Front Desk Billing Configuration
Users with the Front Desk Role have access to client account information by default
If you would like limit your Front Desk users ability to view client account information go to Billing> Config and click the Billing Configuration button
Scroll down to "Allow Front Desk client account info" and select the drop down for either Yes or No

Detailed description of roles are as follows:
Admin Admins can access to the system administration interface
Front desk FDs can access to scheduling tasks
Human resources HR can access to certain parts of the system administration interface related with their activity
Biller Billers can enter billing information
Chief officer COs can access all reporting info
Provider Providers can document into client's charts info
Prescriber Prescriber can prescribe and access other notes
Intaker Intaker can enter info on the system
Medical records MRs can see, scan, route faxes, and produce records
Sysadmin Sysadmins can access most of the system but HR
Report Report can access all system's metrics
Clinical manager Clinical Managers can create forms and administer program setup
Tat TAT Managers can admin transportation
Table of Contents
Other Billing Articles
- Fee Schedules
- Fees
- Payor
- Payor Plan
- Incident to Billing
- User credential for Billing
- User Roles
- Certification or Licensure number
- Provider number
- Adding location
- Billcase
- Superbills
- Billing configuration
- Billing the secondary and the tertiary insurance
- Printing claims
- Batch processing printable claims
- EOBs
- Posting Manual EOBs
- Specifying billing codes In the form
- Printing individual claims
- Claims
- Refund / Recoups payment
- Bundled service
- Taxes
- Aging report
- Payments
- Creating Statements/Copay Report
- Fixing a denied claim
- UB-04
- Claim printing settings