Claim printing settings
By default EMR-Bear only prints the data for each claim; this allows you to print directly onto a pre-printed CMS-1500 or UB-04 form.

Printing on a pre-printed sheets
Change the printing setting in the billing configuration to pre-printed CMS-1500 or UB-04 form to print the data only.
Printing on a white sheets
If you do not have any pre-printed forms, the system can print the form along with the content. This is the default setting.
Table of Contents
Other Billing Articles
- Fee Schedules
- Fees
- Payor
- Payor Plan
- Incident to Billing
- User credential for Billing
- User Roles
- Front Desk Billing Configuration
- Certification or Licensure number
- Provider number
- Adding location
- Billcase
- Superbills
- Billing configuration
- Billing the secondary and the tertiary insurance
- Printing claims
- Batch processing printable claims
- EOBs
- Posting Manual EOBs
- Specifying billing codes In the form
- Printing individual claims
- Claims
- Refund / Recoups payment
- Bundled service
- Taxes
- Aging report
- Payments
- Creating Statements/Copay Report
- Fixing a denied claim
- UB-04