
Paper Form Upload

  • Paper Form Upload allows scanning and inserting any paper intake information into an EMR-Bear document.
  • In some cases, it serves as a great transition helping tool. EMR-Bear can use the Appointments, Superbills, and Productivity Forms to track all activity while the Users can upload the paper form instead of completing it inside EMR-Bear.
  • This is not a long-term recommended solution, but a good way to transition some programs for which the completion/revision/approval of EMR-Bear forms might take more than a few days.

Letter Model

  • The Letter Model helps create a letter along with other information from Form Models that might need to be displayed in the letter.
  • The drop-down will include the letters defined in the letter templates.
  • The letter model had a drop down menu with two options 1) PCP notification forms 2) Verification of program participation.
  • Choosing the letter type from the dropdown menu will bring up a form for admin and user name.

Other signatures

  • This model allows for capturing handwritten signatures into a form.
  • The signatures can be captured using a mouse, a mouse pad, or any device with touch screens.
  • Clicking on the signature pad will launch a full screen signature capture input field.
  • After accepting the signature, it will be rendered in the model and in the form when printed.


  • This model can be used to upload images to the system.
  • Useful when registering sand play, drawings, or any other image.
  • Multiple images can be added to a single client file.
  • Add Image Fields: Title, Image
  • The image can be uploaded through the use of a form.
  • The image needs to exist in your hard drive first.
  • After being uploaded, it will show in the form and in the printed version as well.
  • Required fields: all

Program referral

This model shows programs that the client is currently enrolled in and allows the User to create a referral to an internal program. When the referral is created, the Program Manager will receive an intercom with the information of the new referral. Required fields: none