What is needed in order for a user to see a calendar on their dashboard?
For each provider to have a calendar appear on their EMR-Bear desktop, a few things need to be recorded in their user record (dashboard>Human Resources>users) to indicate that they are a user that will be scheduling services. For you all, most of these are just placeholders, but they do need to be in place:
- The role of "provider" in their user roles:

- Some kind of credential, even just for "cash"

- A certification/licensure:

- Appointment types that reflect each kind of service they would possibly be recording in their schedule:

Other Billing FAQ's Articles
- If you see we are only billing $11.48(for example) but it shows double in balance with a reduction, what if our billing has a balance-but is not supposed to?
- The billing code doesn’t show up on a superbill?
- I have a recoupment from an insurance and I cannot figure out how and where to do this?
- How to resubmit the corrected claim?
- I deleted a payment in EOB in error, How can this be fixed?
- we are getting denials that the diagnosis billed is incomplete. I don't see all the diagnosis on the claim file?
- I am trying to enter a payment in EOB and it is showing an error that the amount is greater than the due amount. Where can I check the amount due?
- How can I send 2 claims for the same person?
- I get an error on the superbill saying “There is no matching fee in fee schedule for billing level”. What should I do?
- I am working on an EOB that downloaded secondary insurance payments. How do I get the EOB to balance out? I'm showing a negative amount.
- How to Complete a Superbill
- I am going through the payor's in EMR Bear. If we do not have a contract with the insurance company, then should I state that we are out of network or just delete the entire insurance?
- What would happen on a Super bill if I hit "Mark as Hidden"? Will I be able to retrieve it at a later date? Or where would I look to retrieve it?
- I have a couple sets of claims that I tried to submit yesterday afternoon that are still showing as formatting, is there a way to get these to complete and go out?
- How do I delete the bill case?
- How do I update the rate that you charge for some of your services?
- Where do I add the Medicare submission ID in the EMR-Bear System?
- Our provider has not signed the therapy note, but I was able to convert it to a "billcase" and process it for payment, and I have gotten paid. Is there a way that I can move this back to superbill so that my provider can sign this note?
- How can I delete a duplicate client?
- When I am first manually entering an EOB in the EOB Amounts screen, the total client responsibility for the deductible is $200.52. Do I enter this amount in the deductible field or the client responsibility field?
- I am trying to add in a co-pay we are receiving from a secondary insurance policy and EMR isn’t letting me add it.
- How do I add a billing provider’s information in EMR-Bear?
- Is there a way to run a report for any unapplied payments in the system? I know I can do the copay report to find any of those that are unapplied, but I'm wondering if there's something similar for payments put in as a client payment
- I am having trouble billing the secondary insurance.
- I am noticing for the past few days EMR Bear is logging me out automatically. I get a message “insufficient rights”
- I cancelled the insurance by mistake, How do I undo that?
- How can I delete a write off payment?
- How do I clean the superbill tab? Should I do mark as hidden or Do not bill?
- How do I create a custom super bill?
- How do I change the date of service on the super bill?
- I clicked Do not bill by mistake in a superbill. What do I do?
- F10.1 appears to be a non-billable code. What should I do?
- We discharged a few of our clients and they are still showing up in the client tracking as if they are active.
- I got a error message saying " There is no matching fee in fee schedule Self Pay. For billing level: LMSW/LMHC Therapist."
- How do I change the name on the copay statement?
- The date of service on the note shows wrong. How do I correct the date?
- Once the program is closed how do we make it active
- How do you generate a billing statement?
- How do I change the claim from 1500 submission method to UB-04?
- How to bill for the group appointment if the group appointment was not created?
- How do I bill for a group appointment?
- What is CSA shown next to the client?
- How would I know who checked in or cancelled the client?
- How to delete an encounter form after it has been signed?
- How to add a reminder service?
- How to upload a collateral?
- How to view All day calendar for all the all the providers?
- If I do not see the insurance policy in the dropdown list, then it must not be listed as one of the client’s current insurance policies.
- How can I view all the superbills for the same client for the same day?
- How can I change clients location and make another location as the default location?
- The code that should not show up for a provider with his billing level is showing up
- How can I hide a client?
- How can I give permission for a user to access TFC families?