Setting up Google Authenticator for 2FA using your browser
Setting up Google Authenticator for 2FA using your browser
To add Google Authenticator to your browser, go to:
Click on Add to Chrome
A pop-up will appear, click on Add extension
Wait for the extension to install. Once it is complete you will see a new icon in the upper right-hand corner of your Google Chrome browser.
Once this is completed, you can go to your agency’s EMR Bear website and set up Google Authenticator for your 2FA. When you first log into EMR Bear, it will bring up a screen with a QR code. Click on the icon shown above. A new window will open. Click on the box in the upper right corner of that new window to capture the QR code. You will need to click and drag your mouse to capture the entire QR code.
A window will pop up showing that your EMR Bear has been added to Google Authenticator. Click once more on the Google Authenticator button to get a 6 digit code
Enter this 6 digit code under the QR code on the screen and click on Complete Enrollment
Each time you log back into EMR Bear, you will click on the Google Authenticator icon and put in the 6 digit code where it asks for your 2FA One Time Password