


In order to utilize EMR-Bear, it is important to first understand how Programs/Program-Locations work: When an agency organizes its programs and services physically, they will usually use a folder for each program and then store those folders in a file cabinet. The folders will contain tabs relative to the unique services and specific forms of each of those programs, and are called program sections. EMR-Bear's virtual organization is set up the same way.

  • To start this process, go the Dashboard>Clinical>Programs.

Dash programs

  • When you open Programs a list of your programs will be displayed. You can add or edit programs in this section.


  • Click on the "add a new program" and it will open up the new program section.

New program

  • Fill in an acronym, a few characters to refer to the program, a position to determine where in the program list this program should appear, A name for the program, and a more complete description.

  • You may check Auto-Enrollment. When you make this selection the client is automatically enrolled in the program.

  • Click the CREATE button in the lower right corner to create this program.

Start program

  • You will then see this program added to the program list.

Add program

  • To add a section click on "Add Section" that is under the program that you want to associate it to.

Add section

  • Sections help you organize the internal structure of the program and client file. Enter a name, description, and position order for that section.

New section


Agency Programs must be associated with at least one of the agency's physical locations in order for it to serve clients. EMR-Bear is designed to accommodate multiple locations per program. When a program is associated with a location, a Program-Location is created. The program then becomes available to clients whose primary or secondary location match that of the Program-Location.

  • First you create locations, and then you associate them with programs.

  • The Locations can be created from your Dashboard>Clinical>Locations.

Clinical locations

  • Select the Add Location button Add new location button to add a new location.
  • You will need to fill out the name, address, billing information (Medicaid ID/NPI/TIN), and responsible.

New location creation

  • You can add one location or multiple locations if your agency works out of several areas:

Multiple locations