Assigning Clients to a Program
First, you must create a new client in the system:
The previous step has left us in the client area on the Demo tab (demographics). Among the other tabs you will find Admin.
- Go to this client's Admin tab then click on Add Program Enrollment button.

- A box will appear.
- NOTE: To enroll a client in a specific program you will need to be linked to that program.

- Select the desired program.

- Enter the admission date and any other information you want noted.

- To keep a client enrolled leave the "Closed On" date blank.
- Is it important to enter the insurance information in the client file, then you can select the order of Payor. This will make creating and billing a superbill easier for this client in the future.
- To remove a client from a program you will need to enter a "Closed On" date.
- NOTE: When you opt to close all open GOI (Goals, Objectives and Interventions) You'll be able to add back any GOIs if they re-enter treatment, but they’ll all be marked as completed.

Table of Contents
Other Initial Setup Articles
- Accessing EMR-Bear
- EMR-Bear System Organization
- Configuration Parameters
- Agency Locations
- Changing Your Password
- Changing a user's Password
- Credit Card Set Up
- Setting Up Reminders/Fax
- Two Factor Authentication (2FA)
- Setting up Google Authenticator for 2FA using your browser
- Password Expiration Setup