
This roadmap summarizes what steps need to be taken to bring up Treatment Foster Care for an agency.

Task Assigned To Status
  1. Setup a program to use TFC
  2. Upload Terms & Conditions for the TFC Program.
  3.  Define forms that parents need to fill out for kids in their care. These are called Portal Forms. Examples include Daily Notes, Incident Reports, and Expense Logs.
  4. Define forms that parents and/or agency staff need to fill out about foster parents and their foster home. These are called Parent Forms. Examples include Household Reviews.
  5. Define forms that parents and/or agency staff need to fill out about foster parents and their foster home. These are called Parent Forms. Examples include Household Reviews.
  6. Decide on levels of care provided. Use this information to define Levels of Service which map to billing Procedure Codes in the Fee Schedules for each insurance plan that your agency works with.
  7. Create the foster homes and associated parents.
  8. Working with the TFC Dashboard. Used to assign kids to homes.
  9. Understand TFC Reporting
  10. Understand TFC Billing