TFC Introduction
Treatment Foster Care is a subsystem within EMR Bear that manages foster homes, their parents, and assigned foster kids. Procedures are provided to create homes, to provide detailed information about the parents, and to manage/view details regarding kid assignments. Reports and search views are present to allow access to this TFC information.
- At the top of the User bar is a drop-down menu. From here you can select the different features.

- When you initially select the TFC option you are taken to an overview of the homes listed in your system.

- You can add a new home by clicking on the Dashboard and then going to subsection TFC at the bottom of the page.

- And then choosing Home from there.Clicking on the Home will display the list of all the current Homes and with also a way to add new homes to the system.
- To add a new home to the system, click on the (+ green sign) on top of the page next to the TFC Homes.

- This is bring up the following form to be filled by the user.

- Once the home is created you can add the home details.

- Enter the home address.
- clicking on the address type will bring a dropdown menu. choose the type of address from the dropdown menu.
- Is HIPAA allowed to that place?
- Choose the login status from the dropdown menu.

- The allow login permission to the parent, the login status must be active.
- Choose “approved by” from the dropdown menu.

- To edit the home status select the pencil next to the home name.

- If this New home is available for placement then choose yes from the dropdown.
- Choose “Available for respite” if this home is for respite
- get the location from the dropdown menu.
- Enter the licence number of the parent.
- Then hit the “Create Home” button.
- You can even do this by hovering over TFC tab on top of the page, which will display a dropdown menu with New Home section.

Adding a new parent
- To add new parent go to Dashboard and in the TFC subsection, click on Parents

- Clicking on parents will open up the following page.
- To add new parent to the system, click on green plus sign next to TFC Parent.
- Add required field to the form and click on create parent button.

Support for the timely management of forms, that must be completed by parents and providers, is also available. This includes alerting about when forms are due. This is important as most payers of Foster care insist that forms be complete to be in compliance with billing requirements. EMR Bear Treatment Foster Care helps insure that this happens.
There are two classes of forms in the system:
- Forms about the kids in foster care completed by the foster parents: these are called Portal Forms, because they can be completed from the TFC Portal. Portal Form examples include Daily Notes, Incident Reports, and Expense Logs. When a parent is created within the system a TFC Portal login is established for the parent.
- Forms about the home or the foster parents themselves: these are called Parent Forms, because they are about the parent and his home. Parent Form examples include HouseHold Reviews. The Parent forms can be completed by staff, parent, or household member.
TFC forms are independent of the forms in EMR Bear; however, they can use custom models, just like EMR Bear forms.
TFC is integrated into the EMR Bear billing system. Placement levels allow billing to be linked to different fees with different levels of charge corresponding to different levels of service. Placement levels are defined within the TFC subsystem; their linkage to billing is defined from billing fee schedules.