RXNT Users
RXNT Users
Through our Partnership with RXNT, EMR-Bear offers is medical prescribers the ability to electronically prescribe medications through their EMR-Bear system. Prescribing clinicians can submit prescriptions, including controlled substances, through our simple point-and-click environment.
To begin using RXNT to prescribe medications the Admin user must sign up with RXNT once the agency has been added RXNT will email the Admin user login name and password.
To begin Using RXNT in EMR-Bear the Admin user must turn it on. In the dashboard under the Admin section select Config Parameters.

- Near the bottom is a section for prescribing providers. To gain access to RXNT the agency Admin will need to change the "Use RxNT for e-prescribing" from false to production and update.
- Once the configuration has been updated the credentials will need to be added for the prescribing provider. Under the Admin or HR section the providers MD and DEA will need to be added to the system under Certifications/ Licensures.

- Once all the credentials have been added there is a section just below where you can enter the proscribing providers user name and password.

- Another way to login to RXNT is in the dashboard. The provider can login to their account and under the My Account section the provider can select "Change My RxNT Credentials" the provider will be asked to input their user name and password.

- Once you have entered your username and password the provider should have full access to RXNT.

- NOTE: A link has been added from the RXNT website to assist with general queries. A user can also email support@emrbear.com for addition assistance with RXNT or they can email enrollments@rxnt.com