Assigning Roles
The link is located in the User Record section for the employee. Once you are on the list of users, selected from the Human Resources or Users section of the dashboard.
- Click on the user name of interest. Find the Roles section.
- Roles can be assigned to a User by clicking on the "Add or Remove User Roles"
- Click the Add button corresponding to the appropriate role for a user. You will see a pop-up window asking for confirmation. When all roles have been added, click on the blue link at the bottom of the page to go back to the User Record:

Roles determine what permissions users have in the system, what functions they can utilize, and what areas they can access. A summary of each role is provided below. For a detailed table of functions granted by these roles, see Permissions.
Admin: allows access to the system administration interface, in addition to all the functions available to other roles.
Biller: allows access for viewing and editing billing information. This includes access to Payors, Fee Schedules, Billing Reports, Superbills, and Bill Cases. The Biller can also process claims and send information to Clearing Houses.
Biller Manager: Biller managers can access documentation.
Chief Officer: allows users to access daily provider activity reports and Superbill reports.
Front Desk: allows access to view and schedule appointments, add information to existing clients, create new clients, initiate client consent forms, communicate via the intercom system, and view billing reports.
Human Resources: allows access to all user accounts in the system. It allows for creating, modifying, and deleting users, as well as adding or remove roles from an account and resetting passwords. Lastly, this role can modify the credentials, certifications, supervision requirements, provider numbers, and appointment types for any user in the system.
Intaker: allows users to enter basic information regarding clients and appointments. They can add new files to a client, but are unable to access any files they did not create.
Medical Records: allows users to have the ability to view any client records in the system, and to attach new files to a client.
Provider: allows users to add documents to a client chart. However, they cannot view or edit files attached to a client they did not create. This role can also modify a client's demographic and insurance information. Allows access to the prescription interface, so that medications can be prescribed and managed
Sysadmin: allows access to all of the same features as the Admin account, except they are restricted from HR information.
TAT: TAT Managers can admin transportation