
The transportation sub-system within EMR-Bear allows agencies to schedule auto transportation for its clients. Typically, these trips are from/to agency locations and the client's home, with potentially intermediate stops, for example, a pharmacy.

The TAT sub-system supports : * scheduling trips * dispatching drivers and trip management * providing trip information to drivers, potentially on their phone * and one-click billing support

Drivers login into the TAT Portal, using account credentials, which are emailed to them when their account is created. This interface, accessible from a smart phone browser, can be used by the driver to record events related to pick up and deliver of clients to their destinations.

Staff at agencies can schedule trips for clients from within EMR-bear. Staff can also start TAT billing when appropriate.

As a next step, you should review the TAT Implementation Roadmap to understand the necessary steps to activate the TAT sub-system for a given agency.