My calendar is not showing/disappeared
When a user is assigned as a provider, they have access to their calendar schedule on the left side of their EMR-Bear profile for ease of use.

If the calendar is missing or disappears from a user's profile, this is usually due to the user's licensing/certification credentials either not have been entered, or expiring. To access a user's licensing/certification credentials, go to the user's profile and scroll down to the licensing/certification section. The other possibility is that the user closed their calendar.
Adding New User
If the licensing/certification credentials have not been entered for a new user: click on the green "+" icon next to the "Certifications/Licensures " title and enter the user's information.

Modifying Current User
If the user's licensing/certification credentials have expired in EMR-Bear, the new expiration date will need to be updated. To do this: click on the blue hyperlinked name of the certifications/license and modify the "Expires" date. Then click the blue "Modify User Certification" button.

Re-opening Calendar
If the calendar was accidentally closed, the user will need to click on the icon shown below and the calendar will re-appear.

Table of Contents
Other Frequently Asked Questions Articles
- How do I edit a signed note?
- How do I set-up the Stripe function in EMR-Bear?
- How do I setup the Topaz signature feature?
- I switched to a different user and got logged out.
- A provider left the practice. What can I do about their pending signature requests?
- How to Set Up a User With Rx Prescribing Permissions
- How to Prescribe as an Active Rx User
- How do I hide a duplicate client profile?
- How do I hide a client from only a few users?
- How do I hide a client from all users except a select few?
- How do I clear cache in Chrome?
- Consent to Receive SMS/Call Communication