Users Link
Users Link

This link takes the user to the user page. Here a user can add a new user, inactivate a currently active user, add credentials and/or certifications to an active user's profile, add user work anniversaries, add user birthdays, etc...

There is a quick link that will show the roles assigned to all active users

This page also lists active and inactive external users that have been added to the agency's site.
Useful Links:
For additional information regarding users, click here.
To access a video tutorial of how to add users, click here. When the video prompts for a password, use EmrbearVideos to view the video.

App Type Templates Link

This link allows the user to create new appointment templates or modify existing appointment templates.
Useful Links:
For additional information regarding appointment type templates, click here.

User Activity Types/Service Levels Link

This link allows the user to add, delete or modify user schedulable activities.