
In this section, the user has the ability to adjust users, work with referrals, modify some forms, and incorporate training schedules and programs.

Client Signature Forms Link
Client Signature Forms Link This link take the user to the client signature forms page. On this page, the user can create new signature forms, modify existing signature forms, and inactivate...
Hidden Client Link
Hidden Clients Link This link allows the user to view hidden clients and unhide a previously hidden client. This area does not allow the user to hide a client. To hide a client the user...
Legalize Documents Link
Legalize Documents Link This link allows the user to legalize documents
Logged In Clients Link
Logged in Clients Link This link allows the user to view clients that are logged into the system at the time the user accessess this feature.
Outside Referrals
Outside Referrals Link This link will take a user to a page listing received referrals from outside agencies. The referrals listed include (if available): Received (date), Appt Request, Name,...
Referral Sources Link
Referral Sources Link This link will take the user to the list maintanence page. Scroll down to find the Referral Sources section. This section gives the user the ability to add sources of...
Training Programs Link
Training Programs Link Define training programs offered by your organization to Users, Clients, Client relationships or TFC Parents. Control the number of units required to pass a program....
Training Schedule Link
Training Schedule Link This link allows the user to schedule existing training programs. Use the calendar to choose the year, month and day(s) that the program will run. Click on the green...
Users Link
Users Link This link takes the user to the user page. Here a user can add a new user, inactivate a currently active user, add credentials and/or certifications to an active user's profile, add...