Reminder and Communication Setup Link
Reminder and Communication Setup Link

This link takes the user to the Reminder and Communication Setup area where the user has the ability to configure the agency's communications with their clients.
The "Set-Up" tab gives an overveiw of the SMS and call settings. These settings can be modified by clicking the "Edit" icon.

The "Client Reminders" tab allows the user to configure triggers to send reminders for appointment dates, appointment locations and to define rules for when appointment reminders are sent.

The "Sent Messages" tab gives an overview of the agency's message totals including: total number of sent messages, successful sent messages, failed sent messages, etc...

The "Telehealth Emails" tab allows the user to configure their agency's reminder emails for stand-alone and recurring appointments. Options for both English and Spanish reminders are available.

The "Client Portal" tab activates email notifications to clients when they have been given access to the client portal by the agency. By entering a client notification template you are enabling the feature of sending clients an email to complete the setup of their portal access account.
To Note: This step must be completed and the "Client Portal Email Activation" option enabled for a client to receive emails regarding portal set-up instructions.

Due to recent changes to the 10-digit phone number regulations, we have instituted a toll-free line for the EMR-Bear all communication features. Please click here for more information regarding communication consents.
Table of Contents
Other Admin Section Articles
- Client Signature Forms Link
- Config Client Stripe Link
- Config Parameters Link
- Fax Setup Link
- Help Text Link
- Hidden Clients Link
- Legalize Documents Link
- Letter Templates Link
- List Maintenance Link
- Metrics Link
- Printables Link
- Reports Link
- Scheduling Resources Link
- Server Time Link
- Signature Switch Link
- Supervision Switch Link
- Users Link