Overview of Billing and Finance Reports
The following is a list of billing and finance reports you can find in EMR-Bear.
- Production and Collection by month
- Can be filtered by: DOS>Month>Payor>Location>Code>Provider
- Unclaimed Billcases 30 days or older
- Unclaimed Billcases 60 days or older
Reports>Saved Reports>New Reports>Finance Reports
- Aging Report
- Billcase Transactions
- Billing Activity
- Claims Report
- Comprehensive Report
- Contract Analysis
- Copay Tracking
- EOB Amounts
- EOB Payments
- FFS Paid Report
- Payor Report
- Provider Billcase Billing Activity
- Provider Superbill Billing Activity Payors
- Active Payors
- Inactive Payors
Fees (Fee Schedules)
- Fee Schedules for Payors
- Fees expiring in the next 30 days
- Fees that expired in the past week
Auths (Authorizations)
- All Payors or select different payors
- Expired since selected by date
- Upcoming Appointments
- Only show the most recent authorization per policy
- Remaining Units
- Expiring in 1 week>2 weeks>3 weeks
- Include expired policies
- Include expired authorizations
- All
- Applied
- Unapplied
- Mass Assign
- Find Missing
- Statement Batches by date
- With a minimum balance of
- With the balance as of
- Include cases since
- Terms>due upon receipt>due within 15 days>due within 30 days>due within 45 days>due within 60 days>due within 90 days
- Provider
- Payor Allocations
- Refunds
- No Number
- Upcoming Appt.
- Expired Policy
- Expired Payors
- Expired Plans
- Primaries
- Secondaries
- Tertiaries
- Self Pay
- Timely Filing
- Invalid
- Ready
- In Process
- By User
- Finder
- All
- New Superbill
Billcases-Can be filtered by:
- By Date
- Unclaimed
- Processed
- Marked for claim
- Pending Resubmission
- Unprocessed
- Processing
- Unsent Claim Batch
- Invalid
- Void
- All
- All payors or send by listed by insurance
- Send to Payor by First Payor>Second Payor>Third Payor
- All Programs or separated it by each program
- All Billers or send by a certain biller
- Client
- Procedure Code
- DE- check this box to show only denials
- WO- check this box to show only writeoffs
- Filter by- Recent First>Oldest First>Lowest Id>Highest Id>Lowest Balance>Highest Balance
- Balance Status can be filtered by- Unpaid>Paid>Adjusted>Zero Balance>Overpaid>All
- Claim Status can be filtered by- All>Rollup>Sent>Sent to First Payor>Sent to Second Payor>Sent to Third Payor>CH Reply (Clearing House)>Accepted>Rejected>EOB Received>No EOB Received
- All Payor types can be filtered by- other>Medicare>Medicaid>Tricare>Champva>group health>feca
- All Locations can be filtered by the different locations of the company
- All Providers can be filtered by your different providers by name
- Can be filtered by billcase ID
- Can be filtered by external ID
- Tr-check this box to show expanded transactions in the view
Batch>Bulk Adjust Rate>Bulk Payor Change-Can be filtered by:
- By Date
- Unclaimed
- Processed
- Marked for claim
- Pending Resubmission
- Unprocessed
- Processing
- Unsent Claim Batch
- Invalid
- Void
- All
- All payors or send by listed by insurance
- Send to Payor by First Payor>Second Payor>Third Payor
- All Programs or separated it by each program
- All Billers or send by a certain biller
- Client
- Procedure Code
- DE- check this box to show only denials
- WO- check this box to show only writeoffs
- Filter by- Recent First>Oldest First>Lowest Id>Highest Id>Lowest Balance>Highest Balance
- Balance Status can be filtered by- Unpaid>Paid>Adjusted>Zero Balance>Overpaid>All
- Claim Status can be filtered by- All>Rollup>Sent>Sent to First Payor>Sent to Second Payor>Sent to Third Payor>CH Reply (Clearing House)>Accepted>Rejected>EOB Received>No EOB Received
- All Payor types can be filtered by- other>Medicare>Medicaid>Tricare>Champva>group health>feca
- All Locations can be filtered by the different locations of the company
- All Providers can be filtered by your different providers by name
- Can be filtered by billcase ID
- Can be filtered by external ID
- Tr-check this box to show expanded transactions in the view
- Filter by CPT or Modifiers
Claims- Can be filtered by:
- Without response
- Valid
- Errors
- Rejected
- Completely Rejected
- Accepted
- Completely Accepted
- Transmit Error
- By dates
- All payors
- All Batch Groups
- All Clearing House
- All Process Method
- Batch ID
- Billcase ID
- Claim ID
- Payor’s Claim ID
- Client ID
EOBs>Enter a Manual EOB>Upload an 835>Download from Clearing House-Can be filtered by:
- Payments
- Deductible
- Adjustments
- Denials
- Client Responsibility
- Copay
- Reductions
- Unapplicable
- Dates
- Unprocessed>Needs Review>Completed>Auto processing>Auto processing failed>In Manual process>With remaining balance>Over Applied>Duplicates>All
- With & without 835>with 835 file>without 835 file
- All Payors or select a certain Payor
CHM (Clearing House Messages)- can be filtered by:
- Date
- Clearing House
- Payor
- Upload 277/999
In Clients’ Individual File
- Insurance tab to enter all insurances that a client may have
- Account tab has Statements>Payments>Copays>Superbills>Billcases
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Reports>Saved Reports>New Reports>Finance Reports
- Fees (Fee Schedules)
- Auths (Authorizations)
- Payments>Copays
- Statements
- Money
- Insurance
- Superbills
- Billcases-Can be filtered by:
- Batch>Bulk Adjust Rate>Bulk Payor Change-Can be filtered by:
- Claims- Can be filtered by:
- EOBs>Enter a Manual EOB>Upload an 835>Download from Clearing House-Can be filtered by:
- CHM (Clearing House Messages)- can be filtered by:
- In Clients’ Individual File
Other Finance Reports Articles
- Aging Report
- Billcase Transactions Report
- Billing Activity Report
- Claim Reports
- Comprehensive Report for Finance
- Contract Analysis Report
- Copay Reports
- Copay Tracking
- EOB Amount
- EOB Payments
- FFS Paid Report
- Non Billable Procedures
- Provider Billcase Billing Activity
- Provider Case Load
- Provider Contract
- Provider Superbill Billing Activity