Comprehensive Report for Finance
This report includes all clinical and billing activities.
Filtering options:
- Date range
- Provider
Excel spreadsheet fields:
- Appointment id - a unique ID code generate for each new appointment created in the system
- Appointment program - the program under which the appointment was scheduled
- Appointment client - client name
- DOB-date of birth
- SSN - client social security number
- Appointment payor - client's insurance company
- Appointment date
- Appointment time
- Appointment end
- Hrs - appointment duration, hours
- Minutes - appointment duration, minutes
- Copay
- Copay type
- Event type- type of appointment
- Appointment location
- Appointment status
- Appointment provider - name of provider scheduled with client
- Appointment form - clinical form associated with the appointment type
- Client gender
- Client race
- Client ethnicity
- Client address
- Client city
- Client state
- client zip
- Encounter date
- Encounter form
- Encounter form user
- Signature day
- Signature time
- Encounter form status
- Superbill day
- Superbill time
- Superbill end
- Superbill hour
- Superbill min
- Superbill status
- Superbill plan
- Institutional - true/false renders if the claim is submited to the payor under the agency NPI number rather than the provider's individual number
- DX
- units
- type
- rate
- POS - place of service
- Location name
- Payor name
- Plan name
- Schedule name
- Provider name
- Billing provider
- DOS - date of service
- Claim id
- CPT code
- CPT description
- DXccode
- DX description
- POS - place of service number
- Charge units
- Charge rate
- Charge total
- Charge paid date
- Charge paid
- Charge deducted
- Charge adjusted
- Charge copaid
- Charge writeoff
- Charge client paid
- Charge balance
- Client id
- Client name
- Policy number
- First claim
- Version info- If this superbill were deleted for any reason, it would show as such in this column
Other Finance Reports Articles
- Overview of Billing and Finance Reports
- Aging Report
- Billcase Transactions Report
- Billing Activity Report
- Claim Reports
- Contract Analysis Report
- Copay Reports
- Copay Tracking
- EOB Amount
- EOB Payments
- FFS Paid Report
- Non Billable Procedures
- Provider Billcase Billing Activity
- Provider Case Load
- Provider Contract
- Provider Superbill Billing Activity