FFS Paid Report
Report for all charges and their total transactions on the given date range
Filtering options:
- Data of service range
- Primary insurance policy with payor
- Program
- Charges having the following transactions(Payments,Client Payment,Adjustments,Denials,Deductibles,Reduction, Copayments, Client Responsibilty, Write-offs,Without activity)
- Provider
- Location
Excel spreadsheet fields:
- Billcase
- Charge
- DX
- DOS - date of service
- POS - place of service
- Code
- Units
- Unit Rate
- Unit Contracted
- Total Contracted
- Total Billed
- Paid
- Copaid
- Client Paid
- Total Paid
- Adjusted
- Deducted
- Writeoff
- Reducted
- Balance
- Attending
- Provider
- Billing Provider
- Client
- Client Name
- Program
- Location
- Payor
- Plan
- First Transaction
- Transaction Date
- Transaction Amount
- Last Transaction
- Last Transaction Date
- Last Transaction Amount
- Tx (check #) Number
Other Finance Reports Articles
- Overview of Billing and Finance Reports
- Aging Report
- Billcase Transactions Report
- Billing Activity Report
- Claim Reports
- Comprehensive Report for Finance
- Contract Analysis Report
- Copay Reports
- Copay Tracking
- EOB Amount
- EOB Payments
- Non Billable Procedures
- Provider Billcase Billing Activity
- Provider Case Load
- Provider Contract
- Provider Superbill Billing Activity