
Does the form need to be deleted?

Verify if the note needs to be completed, was a cancelation or a no show

Not started checked in

Edit the Appointment

If client was checked in in error but client did not show for the appointment please correct appointment status to reflect the "Canceled" or "no Show".

If the appointment was checked in in error and is displayed as “not started, checked in”, the appointment will be removed from your dashboard automatically when appointment is edited as a cancel or no show

Unfinished notes

If the note was initiated and is displaying as “unfinished” please complete the following step after appointments edit to reflect the correct canceled or no show status Click the note > File > Open the subfolder that the document is located in > Use the red delete button to remove

Delete button

If the form needs to be completed but you cannot bill, you can process as Non-Billable please see Non-Billable

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