Clinical rule
- This is where you can set a clinical rule. You can set a trigger for a particular model or custom model.
- The rules are computed every time when a trigger form, model, or custom model is completed.
- The conditions are additive.
- All conditions must be true for the rule to execute the actions.
- If there are no conditions, then, when triggered, the rule will evaluate to true and execute the actions.
- Reconciliation and Lab Result triggers only support popup, intercom, and reminder actions. All others are ignored.
- You can go and set the clinical rule by going to the Dashboard -> Clinical -> Clinical rule
- Clicking on the clinical rule will open a page where you can add the rule.
- This will open up a page where you can enter all the data required for the rule.

The explanation of all the fields are as follows:
- Label: Here goes the title of the clinical rule
- Supporting document: You can choose the supporting documentation here from the drop down menu.
- Trigger: You want to set the trigger on a model, or a form, allergy reconcilation, or a lab result
- Condition: Trigger is set for the condition from a form with a value equal to or greater / less than some value.
- Action: Set the action if the condition is met. Set a pop up or a prompt form, model, reminder or an intercom