
Creating a Survey within EMR-Bear.

On the dashboard, locate the surveys box, click on Surveys.

Surveys box

Click on Add New Survey

Add survey

Create the Survey

New survey

  • Title: Enter the survey title.

  • Instructions: Enter the survey instructions, these will be displayed when the client answers the survey.

  • Display Type: There are two options - One Page and One by One. One Page displays the survey to the client on a single page; One by One shows the client one question at a time. Using One by One is recommended when there are flows where answering one question leads to another question depending on the answer. For example, answering Female versus Male for gender prompts a question on whether the client is pregnant or not.

  • Title in Spanish (Optional): Enter the survey title in Spanish language.**

  • Instructions in Spanish(Optional): Enter the survey Instructions in Spanish language.**

  • Estimated Time: Please provide the estimated time it will take for a client to complete the survey. This time will be included in the email.

  • Support Email: Enter an email for customer support inquiries.

**Note: When the client selects "Spanish" as the option for "Home language" within extended demographics, the survey will display with its entered values in Spanish. It's important to fill out the fields in Spanish for the survey, including questions, options, and triggers, especially when you expect clients whose primary language is Spanish to receive invitations to complete the survey.


Click on Add Question to add a question.


Select a field type; descriptions of each field type are as follows:

  • Text: The answer to the question will be a text entry field.

  • Dropdown: A dropdown will be displayed with the answers to the question (options/answers need to be added for this type).

  • Checkbox: Checkboxes will be displayed with the answers to the question (options/answers need to be added for this type).

  • Radio: Radios will be displayed with the answers to the question (options/answers need to be added for this type).

  • Ask: Enter the text for the question.

  • Ask in Spanish(Optional): Enter the text for the question in Spanish.

  • Required(Optional): If you check this box, the question will be mandatory to answer.

  • Order: Specify the order in which the question will appear.

**Note: When the field type is dropdown, radio, or checkbox, it is mandatory to add options. These options will be items within a checkbox, radio button, etc.

**Note: When the survey has been answered at least once by a client, you cannot edit the points, order, field type, or delete a question or an option. Only the 'Value' fields of a question and an option can be edited.

Add Options

Click on the 'Add option' link. Value: Enter the text that will appear on the option. Value in Spanish(Optional): Enter the text in Spanish. Points: Enter the value that will be assigned when the client selects this option; the total Points will form the score. Example:

Preview Survey

1.- Click on the magnifying glass-shaped icon.

Survey Flows

When "One By One" is chosen as the display type for the survey, flows can be created to modify the survey flow.

1.- Click on the icon with a right-pointing arrow. 2.- The dashboard for adding flows will appear. Click on the 'Add Flow' link.

Question: Select the question to which a flow change will be applied. Condition: The possible options are <=, >=, <, >, ≠, and =. When selecting =, you can choose a specific option (previously created in the question) to compare against the user's selection. For any condition other than =, you need to add an integer value against which the survey points will be compared. Option Value/Option: If the condition is 'equal to,' it will be a dropdown with options from which you must choose one to compare against. If the condition is anything other than 'equal to,' an integer value will appear that will be compared against the points. Next Question: Select the question that will be the next one, skipping the normal flow.

Logic Triggers

Allows creating triggers that will send the survey for a client to answer.

Click on the lightning bolt-shaped icon. Click on 'Add a New Logic Trigger.'

Select a Program: The selected program is the one that will be evaluated to determine when the survey will be sent. Program mode: Determine when the survey will be sent, with possible values being: Enrollment: When a client enrolls in the previously selected program, the survey is sent. Discharge: When a client is discharged from the previously selected program, the survey is sent. Form: When the selected form within an encounter is completed, the survey will be sent. Inside Form: You need to select a form, and when the selected page or custom model is completed, the survey will be sent. Client Form: When the selected Client Form is completed, the survey will be sent. Valid For: Valid For: Enter the number of days during which the survey will be available. Invite Title: Title to be sent in the invitation email for the client to complete the survey. Invite Text: Text to be sent in the invitation email for the client. Invite Title in Spanish(Optional): Invite Text in Spanish(Optional): Send SMS: If enabled, the invitation will be sent via SMS. Send Email: If enabled, the invitation will be sent via Email. Avoid Resending In: Number of days during which, if a previous survey has already been sent to the client, a new one will not be sent for the client to answer. Link To User: The user will be added to the report.

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