Homes Link
Homes Link

The "Homes" link takes the user to listed active (default) homes that the agency has entered into the system. Here the user can create lists of active homes, pending homes, inactive homes, and suspended or terminated homes. The user can filter these options further by availability and location. The user also has the option to search a home directly with the search text box located at the top of the TFC homes list.

The list of TFC homes includes a quick look at each home's assigned client, the client's assigned provider, and any due or expired documentation that is required by the TFC home.

Clicking on the name of a listed TFC home takes the user to that homes details:assignments for that home, notes on the client placed in that home, files (daily notes, incident reports, TFC parent licensing information), training programs that have been completed and training programs that are pending as well as the demographics tab that presents the household information: what TFC parents are in the household, who else lives in the TFC home, phone number, email addresses, phycial location of home, and extended information that is relevant to the TFC home.
Useful Links:
For additional information regarding the TFC section, click here.